ancient capital'Mandalay'

ancient capital'Mandalay'

aung myayy

aung myayy

Monday, April 5, 2010

Frequencies around us

Audio Frequencies

Radio Frequencies(3kHz-300GHz) Spectrum
ELF-Extremely Low frequencies 30 Hz-3kHz
VLF-Very Low frequencies....3kHz -30kHz
LF-Low Frequencies .....30kHz -300kHz
MF-Medium Frequencies ...300kHz-3MHz
HF-High Frequencies .....3MHz-30MHz
VHF-Very High Frequencies ...30MHz-300MHz
UHF-Ultra High Frequencies ...300MHz-3GHz
SHF-Super High Frequencies ...3GHz-30GHz
EHF-Extreme High Frequencies ...30Gz-300GHz

TV channels(2-6) ..54MHz-88Mhz
TV channels (7-13)..174MHz-216MHz
TV channels (14-83) ..470MHz-890MHz
Countertop Microwave Oven ..2.64GHz

AM-Amplitude Modulated -540kHz-1600kHz
LW-Long wave -158.5kHz-283.5kHz
SW-Shortwave ...1.5Mz-30MHz
MW-Medium wave ..520kHz-1.6MHz

Cellular Phone
Cordless phone..46MHz-49MHz
Pagers(VHF) ..30-50MHz
Pagers (UHF) ..405-512MHz
GSM 1900MHz,1800MHz,850MHz,900MHz
3G ...2100MHz
4G ...2500–2690 MHz
CDMA ..915-925MHz(Japan),1750-1780(S Korea)
TDMA ..Rx: 869-894 MHz; Tx: 824-849 MHz
DECT(Data Enchanced Cordless Tx) ..1.9 GHz (1880–1900 MHz)

Satellite transmission C band..3.95-5.85 GHz (Downlink)
Satellite transmission Ku band..10.7-13.25GHz
Satellite transmission Ka band ..18.3-22.2 GHz

Blutooth frequency..2.402GHz-2.48GHz
Infrared frequency ..1-430THz

Wifi frequencies
802.11g-2.4GHz 54Mbps

reference:Bolyestad's college text book

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Healthy You

Hi friends,
Again I found some important datas or parameters to monitor your healthy life style.Some of you might know about it already.This is the technique professional physicians determining about your health condition and potential health hazards.So you better be take care of yourself buddies..
Pls be aware of your BMI and blood pressure
High blood pressure is said to be a silent killer in United State and all over the world.High blood pressure (HBP) is a serious condition that can lead to coronary heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney failure, and other health problems.
ategories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults (in mmHg, or millimeters of mercury)

Category Systolic
(top number) Diastolic
(bottom number)
Normal Less than 120 And Less than 80
Prehypertension 120–139 Or 80–89
High blood pressure
Stage 1 140–159 Or 90–99
Stage 2 160 or higher Or 100 or higher
Antihypertensive drugs are used if a person’s blood pressure is above 140 (systolic) or 90 (diastolic). There are several different “classes” of blood pressure medication.1 Currently, they include:

Diuretics. Help the body to flush away water and salt2

Calcium Channel Blockers. Relax and widen blood vessels3

ACE Inhibitors. Block hormones that constrict blood vessels4
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers. Block blood-vessel–constricting hormones5

Beta Blockers. A beta blocker is a medication that slows the heart rate and reduces the force with which the heart muscle contracts, thereby lowering blood pressure. Beta blockers do this by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors, which prevents adrenaline (epinephrine) from stimulating these receptors.6

This is the BMI(BODY MASS INDICATOR) for your quick reference

BMI Categories:

Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
this is the BMI calculator based on your weight and your height
BMI table is available here in tis link and it is the original information provider.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

7 wonders of the world


Saturday, October 10, 2009

subway around the world

Hope you all might like my collections of web link..
It is brief about subways system from all over the world prepared by travel web site called 'virgin'
Enjoy friends

Another web site, listed as per riderships for standings among them

City Date system
completed Number of
riders (year) Length
Moscow 1935 3.2 bil (1997) 340
Tokyo 1927 2.6 bil (1997/98) 281+
Seoul 1974 1.4 bil (1993) 278+
Mexico City 1969 1.4 bil (1996) 202
New York City 1904 1.3 bil (2001) 371
Paris 1900 1.2 bil (1998) 211
Osaka 1933 957 mil (1997) 114
London 1863 866 mil (1999) 415
Hong Kong 1979 790 mil (1999) 82
St. Petersburg 1955 721 mil (1996) 110

another information found here
New York's 722+ miles of tracks make it the longest subway system in the world, larger than those of London, Paris, Tokyo, or Seoul.

(pre 1995-ish figures)
That comes out to 6,400 cars, 469 stations, and an average of 2.7 million riders services per day. The NYC Transit Police Department employed nearly 4,000 officers as of 1992, which ranked it among the top ten largest police forces in the country.

Further info:

Passengers carried per day

London 3 million
Paris 4.4 million
Moscow 9 million
Tokyo 7 million
Prague 1.2 million
Mexico City 4.2 million
New York 4.7 million

Number of Stations and lines

London 275 stations, 12 lines
Paris 297 stations, 14 lines
Moscow 162 stations, 11 lines
Tokyo 209 stations, 12 lines
Prague 50 stations, 3 lines
Mexico City 175 stations, 11 lines
New York 468 stations, 25 lines

Cost of a ticket

London 90p to £5.30 (10 zones) - no flat fares
Paris 80p flat fare
Moscow 12p flat fare
Tokyo 90p to £1.68
Prague 24p flat fare
Mexico City 11p flat fare
New York £1.03 flat fare

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Best university in US (Ivy League )

I was thinking about which school or university might be the best in US or in the world,and got no idea except familiaring some names.I think i tshould say prestigious schools instead of best schools.Right?Becoz there might be some parameter to judge among schools.
Obviously,harvard,yales,princeton and MIT are among those good candidates.I came all the way from asia and personally i had limited knowledge about those things.It is a big big thing even to know more about these schools.I was very hard to get a good guidance or good information to survive yourself and improve your life.Informations are very hard to be requested or aksed.Some,yes simple dont know..but they said so.Some know a little ,but talk more than what they realy know,so not trustful.
Can u imagine this kind of things can be happen in big country like US.I am sorry to say that.But it was true.
Things i didn't know wasinformations are there for free on the web or in the internet pages.Now i came to understand how i or we can search information we want on the internet.And like to share friends for those who still figuring how and what..
I am sorry to those who are we ahead of me.Pls do not mind.I am just trying to share informations i found in the internet.It is so easy now to find needs on the internet.Internet is dangerous and very useful tools at the same time.Hackers,spyware,virus,id thiefs,spam so on..
Ok now is to say about schools i said earlier.
Great personals were graduated from those schools,called ivy league.As i learn on the internet ivy league is not only a group of school of good education but also a reputable sports competitions are there.So now I know wht schools are in the IVY league.But i can't do nothing about nearing to those school.May be somebody who read this might get some chance to approach or prepare for those schools.Where they are,what to prepare and what is the finicial aid system setup there etc..
So this might or might not be useful..
Pls use it if it is useful for you or I am very thankful for coming and visiting my place here.
Thanks you friends...
wishing you all the best
Again let me share following information i saw it on the web.

I copy and paste for you all.It is from this web link


Ivy League College Admission Summary
The following table lists the eight U.S. universities that comprise the 'Ivy League' – a small group of private universities that enjoy a reputation for providing excellent education, and attract top students.

It is interesting to note that the term 'ivy league' originally referred not to academics but to sports. The original Ivy League brought together not minds, but football teams. That said, these eight universities have some educational and institutional traits in common beyond their athletics programs. All are long-established, private universities; all are in the Northeastern U.S.; all benefit from sizeable endowments and generous alumni financial support; all are highly selective – and all are very expensive.

Is an Ivy League school right for you? If so, which one? That's a question only you will be able to answer. Factors to consider are the differences among Ivy League members (some are located in large cities, and some in small towns; some have religious affiliations, and some do not). A more important factor is what you want to get out of your college education. Although Ivy League schools generally deserve their good reputations, some of their programs are stronger than others. If you're interested in engineering, for example, you probably want to look beyond the eight universities listed below. Only a few Ivy League schools have top-rated engineering programs – and (like any school of engineering) they are stronger in some areas of engineering education than others.

Acceptance Rate
Early Action
or Decision
Early Acceptance Rate
Top 10% of the High School Class
SAT (25/75 percentile)



1280 - 1490§






Figures are for the Fall 2008 entering class.

* Harvard and Princeton ended their early admissions programs following the 2006-2007 application season. All applicants will only be able to apply under the regular deadline.

§ Math and Critical Reading scores only.

Keep in mind that the qualities that make for a good education are not limited to the Ivy League. You can look for (and find) features like a low student-to-faculty ratio, high teaching standards, and strong research support at other universities as well. Moreover, non-Ivy League schools might offer things that are important to you and that you could not find at the eight universities listed below – for example, a climate that doesn't include ice and snow.

An Ivy League education has undeniable benefits. A degree from an Ivy League school will always draw attention to your resume, and you'll have entry to a valuable alumni network. You'll also receive instruction and mentoring that can help position you for competitive graduate programs and prestigious awards like the Rhodes Scholarships. But Ivy League educations come at a price – both in the tuition you pay, and in anxiety over the schools' highly competitive admissions. If an Ivy League university is the right choice for you, you'll be happy to pay that price. But even in that case, you will probably be more comfortable with having made that decision if you first go through the process of considering other options as well.

Class of 2012 early application (early action and early decision) data

Class of 2011 early application (early action and early decision) data

Class of 2010 early application (early action and early decision) data

Class of 2009 early application (early action and early decision) data


Yes, we do have consultants with admissions committee experience from the Ivy League colleges! Call us (+1 703.242.5885) or email us to learn more about our qualifications and how we can provide you with a competitive advantage in your college applications!

ROV(Remotely operated vehicle )

I was lucky enough to involved in a subsea pipeline survey where i got chance to familiar a little submarine called ROV.It had manipulator arms,tracking frame,deep sea low light cameras,hydraulic thrusters for vertical and horizontal movements.And i remember it also had a beacon tramistters to retrive ROV incase of umbilical control cable was cut accidently.
There were 2 rov pilots in each shift and operated survey for days and nights.Is it sound interesting?right? yes it was.You would be mre interested if i could express how many teams were nvolved in such a survey operation.
Ok now i've got extra knowledge about ROVs by internet surfing.
There are moe than one ROV which is for subsea pipeline survey.So let me share info i got from other web sites.
SCORPIO, Amatek Straza
RCV 150, Hydro Products
DEMON, Hydrovision Ltd.
DIABLO, Hydrovision Ltd.
RECON I, Perry Offshore
RECON IV, Perry Offshore
PIONEER, Subsea International
SUPER SCORPIO, Amatek Straza
STEALTH ROV, Hitec Subsea
CHALLENGER, Perry Offshore / Sonat Underwater Services
TRITON, Perry Offshore
VIPER, Perry Tritech Inc.
Trojan ROV, Slingsby Engineering
SCORPION, Perry Tritech Inc.
MRV, Slingsby Engineering
TRITON XL, Perry Tritech Inc.
MAGELLAN, Oceaneering International
TRITON MRV, PerrySlingsby Systems
TRITON SP, PerrySlingsby Systems
TRITONZX, PerrySlingsby Systems
VENOM, Hydrovision Limited
The one i familiared was from CANYON,Norwaygian company.
What could we get from those called ROV(Remotely operated vehicle )?
We could inspect laid subsea pipeline situation like
1. cathodic protection system was properly function or not,
2.Visual inspection report can be obtained from professionals
2.How marine growths were growing on the pipeline or rig structures
3.How subsea pipeline could be moved because of seabed currents
4.How we can maintain suspended pipeline for prolong period and we can plan a schedule maintenance before unexpected shutdown occure
5.We could update our GPS location of pipeline
6.And seabed geographical map can also be obained by sonar system

2 ROV pilots operated ROV to inspect subsea pipeline .They were keeping controlling hydraulic thrusters to dive into water depth and came up to the surface.They operated manipulator arms to take test on anode joints.ROV was running on the pipeline with its 3 wheels underneath.Rolling and rolling until specific location was arrived to take test,took photos ,took video recording and commenting on what they were seeing on the tv screen.
You could enjoy seeing crowded underwater world like u have seen in discovery or NGC channels.Different kinds and size of marine animals were there.
Anywa,Its not a specific details about ROV,it's operation and experience onboard but atleast i can share something to those who have no idea at all.
I hope i can update and add more information when i have chance to get more information about ROVs.