ancient capital'Mandalay'

ancient capital'Mandalay'

aung myayy

aung myayy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

asia ranking universities

I got this from web too..As usual i didn't collect this.. just copy and past here to share what i read ..
Asia 2008/World 2008/World 2007/University Name/Country

19 17 University of TOKYO Japan
25 25 KYOTO University Japan
26 18 University of HONG KONG Hong Kong
30= 33= National University of SINGAPORE (NUS) Singapore
39 53= HONG KONG University of Science & Technology Hong Kong
42 38= The CHINESE University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
44 46 OSAKA University Japan
50= 36 PEKING University China
50= 51= SEOUL National University Korea, South
56 40 TSINGHUA University China
61 90= TOKYO Institute of Technology Japan
77 69 NANYANG Technological University Singapore
93= 128 Hebrew University of JERUSALEM Israel
112 102= TOHOKU University Japan
113 85= FUDAN University China
114 151= TEL AVIV University Israel
120 112= NAGOYA University Japan
124= 102= National TAIWAN University Taiwan
141 155= University of Science and Technology China
143 125 NANJING University China
144= 163= SHANGHAI JIAO TONG University China
147= 149= CITY University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
154 307= Indian Institute of Technology Delhi India
158 136 KYUSHU University Japan
174= 151= HOKKAIDO University Japan
174= 269 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India
188= 233 POHANG University of Science and Technology Korea, South
199 197= KOBE University Japan
Source: QS Quacquarelli Symonds (

Shanghai’s Jiao Tung University recently their rankings for the year 2008 a few months ago. Following are the rankings for the top universities in Asia (Pacific removed) :

World Rank Institution* Regional Rank Country National Rank
19 Tokyo Univ 1 Japan 1
23 Kyoto Univ 2 Japan 2
65 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem 4 Israel 1
68 Osaka Univ 5 Japan 3
79 Tohoku Univ 7 Japan 4
101-151 Kyushu Univ 9-16 Japan 5-7
101-151 Nagoya Univ 9-16 Japan 5-7
101-151 Natl Univ Singapore 9-16 Singapore 1
101-151 Technion Israel Inst Tech 9-16 Israel 2-3
101-151 Tel Aviv Univ 9-16 Israel 2-3
101-151 Tokyo Inst Tech 9-16 Japan 5-7
152-200 Hokkaido Univ 17-22 Japan 8-9
152-200 Natl Taiwan Univ 17-22 Taiwan 1
152-200 Seoul Natl Univ 17-22 South Korea 1
152-200 Tsukuba Univ 17-22 Japan 8-9
152-200 Weizmann Inst Sci 17-22 Israel 4
201-302 Chinese Univ Hong Kong 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Hiroshima Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Hong Kong Univ Sci & Tech 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Keio Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Kobe Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Korea Advanced Inst Sci & Tech 23-41 South Korea 2-3
201-302 Nanjing Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Peking Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Tsinghua Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Univ Hong Kong 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Univ Sci & Tech China 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Yonsei Univ 23-41 South Korea 2-3
201-302 Zhejiang Univ 23-41 China 1-6
303-401 Bar Ilan Univ 42-68 Israel 5-6
303-401 Ben Gurion Univ 42-68 Israel 5-6
303-401 City Univ Hong Kong 42-68 China-hk 4-5
303-401 Fudan Univ 42-68 China 7
303-401 Hanyang Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ 42-68 China-hk 4-5
303-401 Indian Inst Sci 42-68 India 1-2
303-401 Indian Inst Tech - Kharagpur 42-68 India 1-2
303-401 Kanazawa Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Korea Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Nanyang Tech Univ 42-68 Singapore 2
303-401 Natl Cheng Kung Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Natl Chiao Tung Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Natl Tsing Hua Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Niigata Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Okayama Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Pohang Univ Sci & Tech 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Sungkyunkwan Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Tokyo Med & Dental Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Waseda Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Yamaguchi Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
402-503 Chang Gung Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Chiba Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 China Agr Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Dalian Univ Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Ehime Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Gifu Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Gunma Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Harbin Inst Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Huazhong Univ Sci & Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Jilin Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Kagoshima Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Lanzhou Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Nagasaki Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Nankai Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Nara Inst Sci & Tech 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Natl Cent Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Natl Yang Ming Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Nihon Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Osaka City Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Osaka Prefecture Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Pusan Natl Univ 69-100 South Korea 8
402-503 Shandong Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Sichuan Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Tianjin Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Tokyo Metropolitan Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Tokyo Univ Agr & Tech 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Univ Tokushima 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Zhongshan Univ 69-100 China 8-18
Another research oriented one comes from the UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings Based on Research Contributions:

(Rank University Articles Score Country)
31 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 87 47.45 China
49 National University of Singapore (Business School) 57 27.40 Singapore
69 Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Business School) 33 18.15 Singapore
75 Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business Administration) 37 16.96 China
78 Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Graduate School of Business) 26 16.00 China
90 City University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business) 27 12.40 China
95 Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business) 26 10.73 Singapore

Financial Times also releases a list of leading MBA programs. Here’s the list for Asia 2008 (Asia rank, world rank, school name):

11 Ceibs China
17 Hong Kong UST Business School
20 Indian School of Business
41 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ACEM
46 Nanyang Business School
Financial Times also has a list for the leading EMBA programs. Following is the list for Asia 2008:

Current rank School name Country FT research rank
2 Kellogg / Hong Kong UST Business School China 14
6 Insead France / Singapore 10
7 University of Chicago GSB US / UK / Singapore 8
8 Washington University: Olin China 13
11 Chinese University of Hong Kong China 59
20 National University of Singapore Singapore 62
23 Ceibs China 63
27 OneMBA: CUHK/RSM/UNC/FGV São Paulo/EGADE China / Netherlands / US / Brazil / Mexico 53
31 University of Western Ontario: Ivey Canada / China 22
37 Tongji University/ENPC China 88
42 Arizona State University: Carey China 34
43 National Taiwan University - College of Management Taiwan 69
57 National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan 89
67 Helsinki School of Economics Finland / S. Korea / Singapore 84
73 National Chengchi University Taiwan 86
Finally, Financial Times has a “Masters in management” rankings for 2008. Following is the very short list for Asia :

Current Rank School name Country
47 National Chengchi University Taiwan
49 National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan
Economist Intelligence Unit of The Economist also has a list of the top 100 business schools in the world. The Asian universities on that list are :

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology — School of Business and Management – 11
Hong Kong, University of — Faculty of Business and Economics – 58
Chinese University of Hong Kong – 73
Nanyang Technological University - Nanyang Business School – 81
International University of Japan - Graduate School of International Management – 82
National University of Singapore–The NUS Business School – 89
Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad – 91
Another rankings list of somewhat less authority that has released new rankings around the same month as Jiao Tung is the “Webometrics – Ranking Web of World Universities”. Following are their rankings for Asia 2008 :

1 University of Tokyo 54

2 National Taiwan University 70

3 Kyoto University 89

4 National University of Singapore 111

5 Beijing University 112

6 Chinese University of Hong Kong 123

7 University of Hong Kong 148

8 Keio University 165

9 University of Tsukuba 234

10 Tsinghua University China 238

11 National Chiao Tung University 239

12 National Sun Yat-Sen University 242

13 Nagoya University 256

14 Osaka University 266

15 Tohoku University 284

16 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 285

17 National Taiwan Normal University 307

18 Tokyo Institute of Technology 308

19 Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 309

20 National Cheng Kung University 310

21 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 312

22 Seoul National University 332

23 University of Science & Technology of China 334

24 ZheJiang University 337

25 National Tsing Hua University Taiwan 338

26 Kyushu University 363

27 National Central University 373

28 Prince of Songkla University 384

29 Kobe University 394

30 Fudan University 418

31 City University of Hong Kong 438

32 Chulalongkorn University 444

33 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 456

34 Nanyang Technological University 474

35 Ritsumeikan University 482

36 National Chengchi University 486

37 United Nations University 498

38 Tamkang University 509

39 Pohang University of Science & Technology 518

40 National Chung Cheng University 519

41 Hiroshima University 524

42 Nanjing University 529

43 Shandong University 541

44 Kasetsart University 544

45 I-Shou University 559

46 Wuhan University 570

47 Hong Kong Baptist University 573

48 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 605

49 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 607

50 Korea University 630

51 Nankai University 643

52 Tokyo University of Science (Note 29) 646

53 Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 668

54 Yonsei University 676

55 Xiamen University 691

56 Beijing Normal University 694

57 National Chung Hsing University 707

58 Hosei University 711

59 Waseda University 718

60 Harbin Institute of Technology 736

61 Mahidol University 740

62 Asian Institute of Technology Thailand 741

63 University of Electro-Communications 753

64 Xi’An Jiaotong University 769

65 Nara Institute of Science & Technology 774

66 Fu Jen Catholic University 777

67 Doshisha University 778

68 Renmin University of China 779

69 Yamagata University 780

70 Providence University 787

71 Okayama University 789

72 East China Normal University 794

73 Tokai University 812

74 Gadjah Mada University 819

75 Feng Chia University 821

76 Yuan Ze University 823

77 Ryukoku University 825

78 Institute of Technology Bandung 826

79 Nihon University 828

80 Shinshu University 832

81 Gunma University 834

82 Pusan National University 844

83 Niigata University 847

84 Thammasat University 850

85 Huazhong University of Science & Technology 859

86 Hanyang University 871

87 University of Tokushima 875

88 Chiang Mai University 877

89 Tunghai University 888

90 Mie University 897

91 Meiji University 901

92 Tongji University 911

93 Chiba University 916

94 Sungkyunkwan University 920

95 Assumption University of Thailand 921

96 Nagaoka University of Technology 926

97 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 929

98 Khon Kaen University 937

99 Gifu University 946

100 Shih Hsin University 947
Disclaimer : These are not my rankings, they’ve been conducted by relatively high authority institutions that have their own special methodology and way of calculating university rankings. If you have something to say about the methodology, I suggest contacting them. If you have something to say about Asian academics – this would be a good place to discuss it. This list is simply provided as a service that attempts to give a general overview of academics in Asia and their rankings in the world.

Top Universities

I got this from a web site called QS
I just copy and paste it here.

2008 Rank School Name Country

1 HARVARD University United States
2 YALE University United States
3 University of CAMBRIDGE United Kingdom
4 University of OXFORD United Kingdom
5 CALIFORNIA Institute of Technology (Calt... United States
6 IMPERIAL College London United Kingdom
7 UCL (University College London) United Kingdom
8 University of CHICAGO United States
9 MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology (M... United States
10 COLUMBIA University United States
11 University of PENNSYLVANIA United States
12 PRINCETON University United States
13= DUKE University United States
13= JOHNS HOPKINS University United States
15 CORNELL University United States
16 AUSTRALIAN National University Australia
17 STANFORD University United States
18 University of MICHIGAN United States
19 University of TOKYO Japan
20 MCGILL University Canada
21 CARNEGIE MELLON University United States
22 KING'S College London United Kingdom
23 University of EDINBURGH United Kingdom
24 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of T... Switzerland
25 KYOTO University Japan
26 University of HONG KONG Hong Kong
27 BROWN University United States
28 École Normale Supérieure, PARIS France
29 University of MANCHESTER United Kingdom
30= National University of SINGAPORE(NUS) Singapore
30= University of CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles (U... United States
32 University of BRISTOL United Kingdom
33 NORTHWESTERN University United States
34= University of BRITISH COLUMBIA Canada
36 University of California, BERKELEY United States
37 The University of SYDNEY Australia
38 The University of MELBOURNE Australia
39 HONG KONG University of Science & Techno... Hong Kong
40 NEW YORK University (NYU) United States
41 University of TORONTO Canada
42 The CHINESE University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
43 University of QUEENSLAND Australia
44 OSAKA University Japan
45 University of NEW SOUTH WALES Australia
46 BOSTON University United States
47 MONASH University Australia
48 University of COPENHAGEN Denmark
49 TRINITY College Dublin Ireland
50= Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de LAUSANNE... Switzerland
50= PEKING University China
50= SEOUL National University Korea, South
53 University of AMSTERDAM Netherlands
54 DARTMOUTH College United States
55 University of WISCONSIN-Madison United States
56 TSINGHUA University China
57 HEIDELBERG Universität Germany
58 University of CALIFORNIA, San Diego United States
59 University of WASHINGTON United States
60 WASHINGTON University in St. Louis United States
61 TOKYO Institute of Technology Japan
62 EMORY University United States
63 UPPSALA University Sweden
64 LEIDEN University Netherlands
65 The University of AUCKLAND New Zealand
66 LONDON School of Economics and Political... United Kingdom
67 UTRECHT University Netherlands
68 University of GENEVA Switzerland
69 University of WARWICK United Kingdom
70 University of TEXAS at Austin United States
71 University of ILLINOIS United States
72 Katholieke Universiteit LEUVEN Belgium
73 University of GLASGOW United Kingdom
74 University of ALBERTA Canada
75 University of BIRMINGHAM United Kingdom
76 University of SHEFFIELD United Kingdom
77 NANYANG Technological University Singapore
78= DELFT University of Technology Netherlands
78= RICE University United States
78= Technische Universität MÜNCHEN Germany
81= University of AARHUS Denmark
81= University of YORK United Kingdom
83= GEORGIA Institute of Technology United States
83= The University of WESTERN AUSTRALIA Australia
83= University of ST ANDREWS United Kingdom
86 University of NOTTINGHAM United Kingdom
87 University of MINNESOTA United States
88 LUND University Sweden
89 University of CALIFORNIA, Davis United States
90 CASE WESTERN RESERVE University United States
91= Université de Montréal Canada
91= University of HELSINKI Finland
93= Hebrew University of JERUSALEM Israel
93= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany
95 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Scie... Korea, South
96 University of VIRGINIA United States
97 University of PITTSBURGH United States
98 University of CALIFORNIA, Santa Barbara United States
99= PURDUE University United States
99= University of SOUTHAMPTON United Kingdom

Top 100 Universities
The Complete Rankings
ource: QS Quacquarelli Symonds (
Copyright © 2004-2008 QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd.
Click here for copyright and limitations on use.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Best school in US

Best education system

BBC news said about it.
Tuesday, 7 December, 2004, 14:52 GMT

Finland tops global school table
Helsinki classroom
Finnish pupils spend the shortest amount of time in lessons
Finland's claim to have the best school system has been reinforced by the latest international comparisons.

First results from the PISA study of 40 countries put it top overall in the maths, reading and science tests.

PISA is a three-yearly appraisal of 15 year olds in the principal industrialised countries, organised by the OECD economic grouping.

The UK as a whole was excluded for failing to provide enough results, though Northern Ireland did well.

Maths focus

PISA - the Programme for International Student Assessment - aims to assess the knowledge and skills needed for full participation in society, rather than mastery of a curriculum.

Chart showing best and worst maths proficiency
The 2003 PISA study focused on mathematics
It compares Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member nations and "partner countries" and regions, such as Russia and Brazil.

The tests were taken by more than a quarter of a million students, representing about 23 million in the participating countries.

The focus of the 2003 study was mathematics, with problems mainly set in real-world situations, covering space and shape, change and relationships, quantity and uncertainty.

Hong Kong had a slightly higher mean score than Finland but on overall proficiency, Finland came top, ahead of South Korea then Canada, with Indonesia bottom.

The OECD used seven proficiency levels in increasing order of skill, from "below Level 1" to Level 6.

Hong Kong-China: 550
Finland: 544
South Korea: 542
Netherlands: 538
Liechtenstein: 536
Source: OECD PISA 2003 data
Half or more of the 15-year-olds reached at least Level 4 in Finland, South Korea and Hong Kong.

In Mexico, only 3% did so - with an even lower percentage in Indonesia and Tunisia.

In most countries that are members of the OECD, at least three quarters of students reached Level 2 - but more than a quarter were unable to complete those tasks in Italy, Portugal and the US.

"These students fail to demonstrate consistently that they have baseline mathematical skills," the report said.

Internal variations

The authors caution that - in line with previous international comparisons - only about one tenth of the variation in student performance on the overall mathematics scale lies between countries.

Have a go at some of the problems the students were asked to tackle.

More details
Most is within countries - between education systems and programmes, between schools and between students within schools.

For example, in Belgium, mean scores on the maths scale for the Flemish community were higher than those in the best-performing OECD countries, Finland and South Korea.

There was a particular problem with Year 11 pupils who tend not to return to school after their exams
UK National Statistics

Why the UK missed out
Results from the French community, however, were at the OECD average.

Both Germany and the Republic of Ireland scored near to the OECD average but the range of performance within Ireland was one of the narrowest, while the difference between the 75th and 25th percentiles in Germany was among the widest.

Gender gap

In "reading literacy", the overall results found Finland, South Korea and Canada at the top, and Indonesia again bringing up the rear.

Finland: 543
South Korea: 534
Canada: 528
Australia: 525
Liechtenstein: 525
On the science scores, four entrants had statistically indistinguishable high average performances: Finland, Japan, Hong Kong-China and South Korea.

The OECD report also considers gender differences.

In maths, it said much remained to be done to close the gap which saw boys outperforming girls.

Finland: 548
Japan: 548
Hong Kong-China: 539
South Korea: 538
Liechtenstein: 525
Australia: 525
Macao-China: 525
In reading, girls had "significantly higher average performance" in all countries except Liechtenstein. The biggest gap was in Iceland.

Science showed the smallest average gender gap, with boys doing a little better.

Girls performed significantly better than boys only in Finland, Iceland and Tunisia.

Do u know which country has best education system?

I had a chance to chat with classmates and professor about which country has better or best education system in the world yesterday.And accidently came to know that 'cuba'has one of the best education system in the world.I was curious and wanted to find out if it is true or just not more than a fairy tale.Fact could probabily be correct but lets see what i can find out..
It was in CBS news
GENEVA, Nov. 26, 2002 | by Bootie Cosgrove-Mather

I found out this and you all might want to know who is who and who is at where..
(AP) South Korea has the most effective education system in the world's richest countries, with Japan in second place and the United States and Germany near the bottom, a United Nations study said Tuesday.

The ranking "provides the first 'big picture' comparison of the relative effectiveness of education systems across the developed world," the UNICEF study said.

"It is based not on the conventional yardstick of how many students reach what level of education, but on testing what pupils actually know and what they are able to do," UNICEF said.

It said it based the study on five different tests of 14 and 15 year olds to determine their abilities in reading, math and science.

The scores of the tests were disclosed individually in 2001 and earlier. What is new about the study is that it averages the results to give "the most comprehensive picture to date of how well each nation's education system is functioning as a whole," UNICEF said.

Dewayne Matthews, vice president of the Denver-based Education Commission of the States, said the U.S. showing in the UNICEF ratings was expected by people who follow international rankings in education and emphasized the need for reform.

"A lot of that has been driven by this perception that our schools are simply not good enough and they don't compare well with systems in other countries," Matthews told The Associated Press.

The blame or credit for the results does not go exclusively to a nation's schools, said the 36-page study, part of a series of "report cards" produced by UNICEF's Innocenti Research Center in Florence, Italy.

"It is clear that educational disadvantage is born not at school but in the home," said the report. "Learning begins at birth" and is fostered by "a loving, secure, stimulating environment."

UNICEF spokesman Patrick McCormick said the study had been unable to draw conclusions on a range of factors, such as how much was spent on education. Some countries spent less and did better.

The study also didn't get into whether extreme competition was a factor in Japanese or Korean results.

"We didn't really get into why. We found out that there was no one answer," McCormick said. "We tried linkages with the teacher-student ratios, with various things, and it didn't work.

"The biggest thing is obviously the socio-economic background of the child and how well-educated their parents are."

The study said that "South Korea and Japan sit firmly at the
head of the class."

"Germany, with its strong educational and intellectual tradition, occupies 19th place out of the 24 nations," just behind the United States in 18th place.

Germany is unusual in that it sorts children at an early age into professional, white-collar and blue-collar curricula, the study said. The German labor market's demands for particular qualifications "meant that the track a child ends up in has a particularly strong impact on later life," it said.

Germany and Denmark finished in the bottom half of tests on reading and math, but scored high in a separate evaluation of adult literacy, "again illustrating the danger of treating any one survey with undue reverence," the study said.

The United States, however, finished low in each test and in adult literacy.

McCormick said the study had not attempted to explain why the United States had fared badly.

"That's for them to pick up and run with," said McCormick. "It's that sort of country. The countries that economically are very diverse, with big immigrant populations, with lots of moving around, with a huge poverty gap, probably are going to show these sorts of results with education itself."

UNICEF said it based its conclusions on combining results of tests conducted by the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA, conducted in 2000 and the Trends in International Math and Science Study, or TIMSS, given in 1995 and 1999. TIMSS is backed in the United States by the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation and globally by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement.

UNICEF said it also factored in results of the International Adult Literacy Survey of 1994 and 1998.

UNICEF said combining the tests produced "a more reliable overview" that helps meet criticism of any given test that may have been questioned for its cultural neutrality.

UNICEF rankings of educational systems in the world's richest countries, indicating the percentage of 14 and 15 year olds scoring below a minimum level in literacy, math and science.
1. South Korea 1.4 percent
2. Japan 2.2
3. Finland 4.4
4. Canada 5
5. Australia 6.2
6. Austria 8.2
7. Britain 9.4
8. Ireland 10.2
9. Sweden 10.8
10. Czech Republic 12.2
- (tie) New Zealand 12.2
12. France 12.6
13. Switzerland 13
14. Belgium 14
- (tie) Iceland 14
16. Hungary 14.2
- (tie) Norway 14.2
18. United States 16.2
19. Germany 17
- (tie) Denmark 17
21. Spain 18.6
22. Italy 20.2
23. Greece 23.2
24. Portugal 23.6

By Alexander G. Higgins

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PIPA Alpha in 1988

1988: Piper Alpha oil rig ablaze
A fire on a North Sea oil rig is feared to have claimed the lives of most of those on board.

The fire is believed to have started after explosions at about 2230 BST (2130 GMT) on the Piper Alpha drilling platform, 120 miles (193km) off the north-east coast of Scotland.

Helicopters and boats were immediately sent out to rescue the oil workers in an operation co-ordinated by the Aberdeen coastguard.

Pilots reported seeing an "inferno" up to 350ft (107m) high and a platform wrenched apart.

It is thought approximately 225 men were working on the rig owned by Occidental Oil.

Safety inspection

Survivors are being airlifted to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary - some are said to be seriously injured.

Most of those who have been rescued so far said they survived by sliding down pipes or jumping hundreds of feet into the sea which was covered in burning oil.

The Piper Alpha platform is the largest and oldest platform in the North Sea oilfield.

It was last inspected two weeks ago but last week there was a small fire on the rig.

Since drilling began in the North Sea in the 1970s there have been 300 deaths on Britain's 123 oil installations, often in accidents caused by bad weather.
A total of 167 people died in the Piper Alpha fire making it the world's worst offshore oil disaster.

Most of the victims suffocated in toxic fumes which developed after a gas leak set off the blasts and sparked the fire.

In November 1990 Lord Cullen's report into the disaster severely criticised safety procedures on the rig owned by Occidental Oil.

Lord Cullen did not blame any individuals but after a civil action over insurance payments in 1997 two workers who died in the disaster were found to have been negligent.

However, that finding has been contested both by relatives of the men concerned and television documentary investigations.

Offshore safety review announced -Pipa Alpha Disaster

Pipa ALpha!!!
The Piper Alpha disaster in 1988 claimed 167 lives
We all remember when we were introduced to the oil and gas industry.Started with safety video called 'Pipa ALPHA'.Shared the nightmare of 'pipa alpha accident.
Now,time to remember again..why?
A review into safety in the offshore oil industry in the North Sea has been announced as the 20th anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster approaches.

The House of Commons heard the announcement after a minute's silence to mark the anniversary.

Meanwhile, one of the survivors of the Piper Alpha disaster has unveiled plans for a lasting way of paying tribute to each one of the victims.

Ed Punchard's plan is for 167 scholarships to honour those who died.

He launched it in the Commons as Piper Alpha was debated by MPs.

We need to empower a new generation of young people who will be involved in the oil and gas industry in the future
Ed Punchard
Piper Alpha survivor
The debate heard claims that some oil companies were delaying maintenance to capitalise on high oil prices.

Lib Dem MP Malcolm Bruce was among politicians who said concerns had been raised.

The Gordon MP said: "I am concerned over reported delays in the maintenance of oil platforms.

"It would be dangerous if delays were occurring because producers were seeking to maximise production at current high oil prices, as has been suggested."

'Cannot agree'

Oil and Gas UK director of health and safety Chris Allen said: "We cannot agree with the comments made by Malcolm Bruce that routine maintenance on our offshore platforms is being delayed and safety is being overlooked. In fact, the opposite is the case.

"Safety and asset integrity remain at the top of the industry's agenda."

Of the scholarship plan, he said: "We have not been approached on the scholarship proposal and hence cannot comment on the proposals in any detail."

Ed Punchard
Ed Punchard wants the victims honoured in the future
But he explained: "Anything that helps to pass on the lessons learnt from Piper Alpha is to be welcomed, which is why Oil and Gas UK has been working hard over recent months to make sure the lessons are not forgotten and are passed on to the next generation of offshore workers and managers, many of whom weren't even born at the time of Piper Alpha."

Mr Punchard said it was "extremely important" to remember the 167 individuals who died.

He said the victims of the North Sea platform disaster, on 6 July, 1988, should be remembered in a way which was about the future rather than the past.
Mr Punchard explained: "I believe that we need to empower a new generation of young people who will be involved in the oil and gas industry in the future, so that they will be fully aware of the dangers inherent in the industry and the need for the highest levels of safety at every level."

He called on the oil and gas industry to fund a 20th anniversary Piper Alpha memorial scholarship scheme, allowing graduate students to apply for one of 167 places, each one in the name of one of the victims.

Aberdeen North Labour MP Frank Doran said it was important to remember the scale of the loss in Piper Alpha, and the consequences for survivors and relatives.

Northsea emergency rescue

BBC news/copy paste wednessday february 18,2009

All rescued as helicopter ditches
Bond helicopter
Bond offshore helicopters confirmed one of its Super Pumas had ditched

All 18 people aboard a helicopter which ditched in the North Sea have survived and have been rescued from two life-rafts, the coastguard has said.

The Super Puma came down near a BP oil platform in the ETAP field 125 miles east of Aberdeen. The alarm was raised at about 1840 GMT.

Three were rescued by a Bond company helicopter and have arrived at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary after being airlifted.

The other 15 are being brought back to Aberdeen by fast rescue vessel.

This vessel is expected to arrive on the mainland at 0500 GMT on Thursday morning.

The coastguard said there were no serious injuries, but some people had suffered minor injuries, described as walking wounded.

'Good result'

British military spokesman James Lyne, from the RAF base at Kinloss, said the helicopter had landed upright and floated due to flotation bags which inflate when it lands on water.

The passengers escaped into three rubber dinghies equipped with locator beacons, which were detected by satellites enabling rescuers to pinpoint their exact position.

Fl Sgt Lynne said: "It was all very quick. Within a few minutes of the aircraft ditching we had rescue aircraft on route.
Map of crash

"Luckily the crew and passengers were able to get out safely. They were pretty well-equipped.

"The big danger is if it is high seas because then the aircraft will land and turn upside down. They all managed to get out safely. It is a very good result."

He said he could not explain why it had gone down but said an investigation was under way.

Lifejacket lights

People on board the installation, operated by BP, saw the incident unfold, and raised the alarm with the coastguard.

There were initial reports of lifejacket lights being seen in the water, and signals being picked up from personal locator beacons, which are attached to lifejackets.

Three flares were also reported to have been seen from the platform, and parts of helicopter fuselage were seen on the surface.

Four helicopters, including three in-field aircraft and a Sea King from RAF Lossiemouth, took part in the rescue. A Nimrod from RAF Kinloss was also scrambled.

Grampian Police said they were currently working with the other emergency services, search and rescue and representatives of BP and Bond to co-ordinate the return of the passengers to Aberdeen.

NHS Grampian said A&E staff at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary were now on full alert and were expecting 18 patients.

A phone line had been set up for families of the passengers and crew on 01224 836 479.