ancient capital'Mandalay'

ancient capital'Mandalay'

aung myayy

aung myayy

Sunday, December 7, 2008

creating an artificial SUN

It may not a surprise for u but it was for me since i heard artificial SUN was created in China last year,2007.Then i searched in the internet and found this article and hope some of u probably interested in it..I was even told that there could be more than one sun in the universe.
pls read this article..

web site:
26 January 2004 02:41
Creating "artificial sun"

Scientists at the Federal Nuclear Centre in Sarov have succeeded in creating the most powerful magnetic field on Earth which allows to preserve energy equal to the Sun`s energy. World physicists are now working hard on the creation of the so-called artificial sun which will satisfy the planet`s demand in energy but only Russia has approached really close to making the discovery.

Area-24 is one of the secret testing grounds of the Federal Nuclear Centre. Something that still seems to be from the field of science fiction is being created far away from populated areas, among snow-covered forests. Under a crude awning is a system that has a magnetic field exceeding the magnetic field of the Earth 50m times. It is created using a powerful explosion. Viktor Selimer, director of scientific research centre of high energy density physics and directed flows of energy emission, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics tells:
- It is an explosive, an explosive substance comprising the 50:50 ratio of TNT and hexagon. For example, we were selling the system which you can see here to the USA for the price of Mercedes cars of 600 series. So, it is not that simple. [Correspondent] The achievement of the Russian science is being guarded like the gold currency reserve, behind three perimeters of barbed wire. And the secret is made of bronze - only Russian scientists know how to wind correctly 4,800 coils on a reel in order to receive a superpowerful magnetic field. During the explosion, the space inside the reel contracts and its power increases several times over again. The test which lasts a fraction of a second is monitored in automatic mode. All the staff of the laboratory are taking cover in the building protected against the explosive wave by armour and concrete walls. The processes taking place inside the explosion are registered by lasers and powerful X-ray systems. Outside, the powerful magnetic flow knocks out of action any electric equipment, including the video camera which stops filming immediately after the explosion. The physical parameters of the centre of the Earth and neutron stars are being created in these field conditions where gas turns into metal and superconductors stop conducting electric current. This series of experiments is part of the work on a global project - the scientists of the whole world are now trying to switch on the artificial sun in laboratory conditions. It is the superpowerful magnetic field that may become an acid test of a kind for the Earth light. Researchers at the Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics are miles ahead of their competitors in this direction. Selimer: "According to our estimates, the system which will make possible the fusion ignition will cost approximately 100 times less than the nuclear system being built for these purposes in the United States of America but it will be more impressive than what you can see here because the initial current that we will be using at the start will be 1bn A. The power of the system will exceed the power of all electric power stations of Russia put together. But only for a very short time". [Correspondent] In the field of creating superpowerful magnetic fields Russia is 10 times ahead of its nearest competitors. The tests at the unique experimental area are taking place almost every day. After explosions not only these fragments and deep craters are left behind but also the profound knowledge of the matter, something that no textbook of physics has so far described.
[RTR Russia TV]

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