ancient capital'Mandalay'

ancient capital'Mandalay'

aung myayy

aung myayy

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

asia ranking universities

I got this from web too..As usual i didn't collect this.. just copy and past here to share what i read ..
Asia 2008/World 2008/World 2007/University Name/Country

19 17 University of TOKYO Japan
25 25 KYOTO University Japan
26 18 University of HONG KONG Hong Kong
30= 33= National University of SINGAPORE (NUS) Singapore
39 53= HONG KONG University of Science & Technology Hong Kong
42 38= The CHINESE University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
44 46 OSAKA University Japan
50= 36 PEKING University China
50= 51= SEOUL National University Korea, South
56 40 TSINGHUA University China
61 90= TOKYO Institute of Technology Japan
77 69 NANYANG Technological University Singapore
93= 128 Hebrew University of JERUSALEM Israel
112 102= TOHOKU University Japan
113 85= FUDAN University China
114 151= TEL AVIV University Israel
120 112= NAGOYA University Japan
124= 102= National TAIWAN University Taiwan
141 155= University of Science and Technology China
143 125 NANJING University China
144= 163= SHANGHAI JIAO TONG University China
147= 149= CITY University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
154 307= Indian Institute of Technology Delhi India
158 136 KYUSHU University Japan
174= 151= HOKKAIDO University Japan
174= 269 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay India
188= 233 POHANG University of Science and Technology Korea, South
199 197= KOBE University Japan
Source: QS Quacquarelli Symonds (

Shanghai’s Jiao Tung University recently their rankings for the year 2008 a few months ago. Following are the rankings for the top universities in Asia (Pacific removed) :

World Rank Institution* Regional Rank Country National Rank
19 Tokyo Univ 1 Japan 1
23 Kyoto Univ 2 Japan 2
65 Hebrew Univ Jerusalem 4 Israel 1
68 Osaka Univ 5 Japan 3
79 Tohoku Univ 7 Japan 4
101-151 Kyushu Univ 9-16 Japan 5-7
101-151 Nagoya Univ 9-16 Japan 5-7
101-151 Natl Univ Singapore 9-16 Singapore 1
101-151 Technion Israel Inst Tech 9-16 Israel 2-3
101-151 Tel Aviv Univ 9-16 Israel 2-3
101-151 Tokyo Inst Tech 9-16 Japan 5-7
152-200 Hokkaido Univ 17-22 Japan 8-9
152-200 Natl Taiwan Univ 17-22 Taiwan 1
152-200 Seoul Natl Univ 17-22 South Korea 1
152-200 Tsukuba Univ 17-22 Japan 8-9
152-200 Weizmann Inst Sci 17-22 Israel 4
201-302 Chinese Univ Hong Kong 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Hiroshima Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Hong Kong Univ Sci & Tech 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Keio Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Kobe Univ 23-41 Japan 10-12
201-302 Korea Advanced Inst Sci & Tech 23-41 South Korea 2-3
201-302 Nanjing Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Peking Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Tsinghua Univ 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Univ Hong Kong 23-41 China-hk 1-3
201-302 Univ Sci & Tech China 23-41 China 1-6
201-302 Yonsei Univ 23-41 South Korea 2-3
201-302 Zhejiang Univ 23-41 China 1-6
303-401 Bar Ilan Univ 42-68 Israel 5-6
303-401 Ben Gurion Univ 42-68 Israel 5-6
303-401 City Univ Hong Kong 42-68 China-hk 4-5
303-401 Fudan Univ 42-68 China 7
303-401 Hanyang Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ 42-68 China-hk 4-5
303-401 Indian Inst Sci 42-68 India 1-2
303-401 Indian Inst Tech - Kharagpur 42-68 India 1-2
303-401 Kanazawa Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Korea Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Nanyang Tech Univ 42-68 Singapore 2
303-401 Natl Cheng Kung Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Natl Chiao Tung Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Natl Tsing Hua Univ 42-68 Taiwan 2-4
303-401 Niigata Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Okayama Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Pohang Univ Sci & Tech 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Sungkyunkwan Univ 42-68 South Korea 4-7
303-401 Tokyo Med & Dental Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Waseda Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
303-401 Yamaguchi Univ 42-68 Japan 13-18
402-503 Chang Gung Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Chiba Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 China Agr Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Dalian Univ Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Ehime Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Gifu Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Gunma Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Harbin Inst Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Huazhong Univ Sci & Tech 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Jilin Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Kagoshima Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Lanzhou Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Nagasaki Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Nankai Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Nara Inst Sci & Tech 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Natl Cent Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Natl Yang Ming Univ 69-100 Taiwan 5-7
402-503 Nihon Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Osaka City Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Osaka Prefecture Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Pusan Natl Univ 69-100 South Korea 8
402-503 Shandong Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Sichuan Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Tianjin Univ 69-100 China 8-18
402-503 Tokyo Metropolitan Univ 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Tokyo Univ Agr & Tech 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Univ Tokushima 69-100 Japan 19-31
402-503 Zhongshan Univ 69-100 China 8-18
Another research oriented one comes from the UTD Top 100 Worldwide Business School Rankings Based on Research Contributions:

(Rank University Articles Score Country)
31 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 87 47.45 China
49 National University of Singapore (Business School) 57 27.40 Singapore
69 Nanyang Technological University (Nanyang Business School) 33 18.15 Singapore
75 Chinese University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business Administration) 37 16.96 China
78 Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Graduate School of Business) 26 16.00 China
90 City University of Hong Kong (Faculty of Business) 27 12.40 China
95 Singapore Management University (Lee Kong Chian School of Business) 26 10.73 Singapore

Financial Times also releases a list of leading MBA programs. Here’s the list for Asia 2008 (Asia rank, world rank, school name):

11 Ceibs China
17 Hong Kong UST Business School
20 Indian School of Business
41 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ACEM
46 Nanyang Business School
Financial Times also has a list for the leading EMBA programs. Following is the list for Asia 2008:

Current rank School name Country FT research rank
2 Kellogg / Hong Kong UST Business School China 14
6 Insead France / Singapore 10
7 University of Chicago GSB US / UK / Singapore 8
8 Washington University: Olin China 13
11 Chinese University of Hong Kong China 59
20 National University of Singapore Singapore 62
23 Ceibs China 63
27 OneMBA: CUHK/RSM/UNC/FGV São Paulo/EGADE China / Netherlands / US / Brazil / Mexico 53
31 University of Western Ontario: Ivey Canada / China 22
37 Tongji University/ENPC China 88
42 Arizona State University: Carey China 34
43 National Taiwan University - College of Management Taiwan 69
57 National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan 89
67 Helsinki School of Economics Finland / S. Korea / Singapore 84
73 National Chengchi University Taiwan 86
Finally, Financial Times has a “Masters in management” rankings for 2008. Following is the very short list for Asia :

Current Rank School name Country
47 National Chengchi University Taiwan
49 National Sun Yat-Sen University Taiwan
Economist Intelligence Unit of The Economist also has a list of the top 100 business schools in the world. The Asian universities on that list are :

China Europe International Business School (CEIBS)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology — School of Business and Management – 11
Hong Kong, University of — Faculty of Business and Economics – 58
Chinese University of Hong Kong – 73
Nanyang Technological University - Nanyang Business School – 81
International University of Japan - Graduate School of International Management – 82
National University of Singapore–The NUS Business School – 89
Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad – 91
Another rankings list of somewhat less authority that has released new rankings around the same month as Jiao Tung is the “Webometrics – Ranking Web of World Universities”. Following are their rankings for Asia 2008 :

1 University of Tokyo 54

2 National Taiwan University 70

3 Kyoto University 89

4 National University of Singapore 111

5 Beijing University 112

6 Chinese University of Hong Kong 123

7 University of Hong Kong 148

8 Keio University 165

9 University of Tsukuba 234

10 Tsinghua University China 238

11 National Chiao Tung University 239

12 National Sun Yat-Sen University 242

13 Nagoya University 256

14 Osaka University 266

15 Tohoku University 284

16 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 285

17 National Taiwan Normal University 307

18 Tokyo Institute of Technology 308

19 Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 309

20 National Cheng Kung University 310

21 Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 312

22 Seoul National University 332

23 University of Science & Technology of China 334

24 ZheJiang University 337

25 National Tsing Hua University Taiwan 338

26 Kyushu University 363

27 National Central University 373

28 Prince of Songkla University 384

29 Kobe University 394

30 Fudan University 418

31 City University of Hong Kong 438

32 Chulalongkorn University 444

33 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 456

34 Nanyang Technological University 474

35 Ritsumeikan University 482

36 National Chengchi University 486

37 United Nations University 498

38 Tamkang University 509

39 Pohang University of Science & Technology 518

40 National Chung Cheng University 519

41 Hiroshima University 524

42 Nanjing University 529

43 Shandong University 541

44 Kasetsart University 544

45 I-Shou University 559

46 Wuhan University 570

47 Hong Kong Baptist University 573

48 Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 605

49 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 607

50 Korea University 630

51 Nankai University 643

52 Tokyo University of Science (Note 29) 646

53 Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology 668

54 Yonsei University 676

55 Xiamen University 691

56 Beijing Normal University 694

57 National Chung Hsing University 707

58 Hosei University 711

59 Waseda University 718

60 Harbin Institute of Technology 736

61 Mahidol University 740

62 Asian Institute of Technology Thailand 741

63 University of Electro-Communications 753

64 Xi’An Jiaotong University 769

65 Nara Institute of Science & Technology 774

66 Fu Jen Catholic University 777

67 Doshisha University 778

68 Renmin University of China 779

69 Yamagata University 780

70 Providence University 787

71 Okayama University 789

72 East China Normal University 794

73 Tokai University 812

74 Gadjah Mada University 819

75 Feng Chia University 821

76 Yuan Ze University 823

77 Ryukoku University 825

78 Institute of Technology Bandung 826

79 Nihon University 828

80 Shinshu University 832

81 Gunma University 834

82 Pusan National University 844

83 Niigata University 847

84 Thammasat University 850

85 Huazhong University of Science & Technology 859

86 Hanyang University 871

87 University of Tokushima 875

88 Chiang Mai University 877

89 Tunghai University 888

90 Mie University 897

91 Meiji University 901

92 Tongji University 911

93 Chiba University 916

94 Sungkyunkwan University 920

95 Assumption University of Thailand 921

96 Nagaoka University of Technology 926

97 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 929

98 Khon Kaen University 937

99 Gifu University 946

100 Shih Hsin University 947
Disclaimer : These are not my rankings, they’ve been conducted by relatively high authority institutions that have their own special methodology and way of calculating university rankings. If you have something to say about the methodology, I suggest contacting them. If you have something to say about Asian academics – this would be a good place to discuss it. This list is simply provided as a service that attempts to give a general overview of academics in Asia and their rankings in the world.

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